The New York times just had a great article about tricks employers use to try to avoid paying overtime, such as labeling a worker a “manager” when he or she is really no such thing.
Read MoreLebau & Neuworth attorneys Devan Wang and Richard Neuworth recently made presentations that updated several important chapters on Maryland Employment Law Guide.
Read MoreTechnology companies, such as Uber and Lyft, tout the benefits of the “gig economy,” in which workers are designated as independent contractors, not employees. The problem is, independent-contractor status often does not benefit workers.
Read MoreAn independent contractor is generally thought of as someone who is compensated by another party without withholdings and taxes and who also is paid a fixed amount for a specific job or task. Cable TV installers, painters and manual laborers often are paid as independent contractors.
Read MoreA recent Bloomberg BNA Daily Labor Report article, citing Lebau & Neuworth attorney Steven Lebau, states, “Whether they work on the management side or the worker side of labor and employment law, the attorneys contacted by Bloomberg BNA touted the advantages of boutiques (small law firms such as Lebau & Neuworth) for both lawyers and clients. They said the lawyers collaborate more and are able to offer high-quality and expert services at lower prices.”
Read MoreEmployers continue to misclassify workers as independent contractors in order to avoid paying overtime and provide employee benefits. Lebau & Neuworth recently sued the same employer on three separate occasions over a five-year period because it continued to misclassify its employees.
Read MoreContact the Lebau & Neuworth team to discuss your matter.
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