Lebau & Neuworth partner attorney Richard Neuworth delivered a presentation on COVID-19 and Social Security disability cases to the National Organization of Social Security Claimants Representatives on October 30, 2020, at its national convention.
The presentation discussed how COVID-19 has actually opened new ways for claimants to obtain disability benefits from the Social Security Administration. In fact, there are several different scenarios to consider in disability cases, including:
Other important topics are how to cross examine vocational and other medical experts during the course of Administrative Law Judge hearings.
Download and see the presentation: CLICK HERE.
If you believe your Social Secuity disability has been wrongly affected by the Coronavirus pandemic, contact the attorneys at Lebau & Neuworth at at 888-456-2529 or lebauneuworth.com/contact-us.
Contact the Lebau & Neuworth team to discuss your matter.
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